Men who fascinate women: Prince Rainier III

Men who fascinate women: Prince Rainier III

Clipped from LOOK (December 27, 1955)

He’s a man almost any woman would to find in her Christmas stocking. Title, handsome, 32 years old and single, he rules the tiny fairy-story Principality of Monaco, the site of Monte-Carlo. His people delight in the unserene exploits o His Serene Highness — he loves auto racing, speafishing in shark-infested waters, treks in Africa — but they hope he will marry soon. If he dies childless, Monaco could become a French protectorate under the terms of a World War I treatry. His 300-room palace (he uses only five rooms), three private yachts and several autos make him a tempting target for women, but the modest, devoutrly Catholic prince steadfastly insists the girl must meet one difficult requirement: He must love her.

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